◆Basic Information
Yu Siyan, born in 1988, male, from Huayin, Shaanxi Province, Doctor of Philosophy, Lecturer of School of Philosophy, Guizhou University.
◆Educational Background
2008.9-2012.7 Northwest University of Political Science and Law, School of Philosophy and Social Development, majoring in Philosophy, Bachelor's Degree.
2012.9-2013.7 Studied German at the Language Center of the University of Marburg, Germany, and passed the German Examination for the Entrance of Foreign Applicants to German Universities.
2013.10-2017.3 University of Marburg, Germany, Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Philosophy, received Master's degree.
2017.9-2022.7 University of Jena, Germany, Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Philosophy, PhD degree in Philosophy.
◆ Work Experience
Teaching at the School of Philosophy, Guizhou University since October 2022
◆Research Fields
Kant and German Philosophy
◆List of Publications
Monograph: Das Begriffspaar Erscheinung/Ding an Sich und der Gebrauch der Denkvermögen : Eine metaphysikkritische Interpretation. 1. Auflage. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2023.
◆Academic activities
2018.10.01: Internationales Symposium: Towards Global Political Philosophy. Organizer: Freie Universität Berlin.
2019.02.14: Kant's sense of communion: plurality of perspectives around a central concept of critical philosophy (Gemeinsinn bei Kant - Perspektiven auf einen zentralen Begriff der kritischen Philosophie ). Organized by Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald (Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald)
2019.05.06: Scholarly presentation: questions about the concept of the thing-in-itself in Kantian studies (Probleme über den Begriff Ding an sich in der Kant-Forschung) Organizer: Chair of Practical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Jena
2020.10.20: Colloquium: Kant's Critique of the Inherence of Things and the Concept of the Self of Things (Kants Kritik am Inneren des Dinges und der Begriff Ding an sich). Organizer: Chair of Practical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Jena
2021.06.21: Colloquium: Dichotomy as a Signpost for Understanding the Distinction between Manifestation and Thing-Self (Die Antinomie als Wegweiser der Unterscheidung zwischen Ding an sich und Erscheinung). Organizer: Chair of Practical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Jena
Email: dingansich2022@163.com